The remodel is heavy hitting and it was time for a break. Best place ever to break is Destin. Enjoy a few from this weekend's day trip. We had a GREAT time!
Yes, indeed, it's been a long stretch since my last blog. Life has really sped up. As always, when I have these long stretches in life's busy chaos, I say "I'll do better" - so....I'll try to do better. Here's what I've been up to... I bought this lens. It is so attractive.
Took the kids to a balloon show...
Read an awesome book! Took the Family to Dauphin Island in the late afternoon for Sun, Sand & a Snow Cone.
Got this thank you card from a happy Mom. {I love Thank you Cards}
Bought some powdered PB - wacky but tasty & only 45 calories.
Went to Destin...yes, again.
Fell in love with steamed Shrimp.
Won another contest - {happy dance} Mine is the attractive sailboat shot.
Ate 3 pineapples - with the help of the Ellenburg family.
Bought some new music
Was the guest speaker at the Rotary Club of North Mobile - spoke about vacation photography.
Took the kiddies to see the last Harry Potter movie - it rocked.
Shot a wedding here.
And another wedding at St. Ignatius in Mobile Alabama.
Got this as a warning to Mike's remodel planning.
Remodel color planning.
Discovered that these are hard to find.
Shopped with Madison & Rosebud.
Bought my first gallery wraps - all 24x30 and coordinated them with my new red sofas.
Created a 75 calorie Margarita.
Another Remodel Fortune.
Mike, greatest husband ever, bought me a new car.
The boys went to New Mexico to visit their Granny & Papa ... and came back - Hooray!
The planning of the Remodel has really started Rocking.